The cleantech sectors, driven by full innovation and growth ecosystems, are strategic for the Lyon metropolitan area. A region with a reputation for excellence, where professionals in the chemicals & materials industries, transport & mobility and energy transition sectors find the right conditions for sustainable growth.
An investment in the territory’s future
Green technologies aim to optimise the consumption of natural resources and to reduce the environmental impact of human activities. With an envelope of 54 million euros - the largest budget in France for environmental technologies - the Lyon metropolitan area offers entrepreneurs a favourable and innovative environment to develop their projects.
The cleantech sector in Greater Lyon: key figures
- 77,850 jobs, including:
- 48,940 in land transportation systems, 12,780 in energy and electrical equipment, 11,300 in chemicals and 4,840 in the environment (Acoss-Urssaf as of 31/12/2019)
- 8,580 organizations, including:
- 7 050 in land transportation systems, 710 in energy and electrical equipment, 590 in the environment and 230 in chemicals (Insee-REE as of 31/12/2018)
- 75 projects supported across the territory thanks to a strategy to boost the circular economy
These companies have chosen Greater Lyon
Lyon is home to chemical industries, structures specialised in new energies or high technologies and committed to finding sustainable solutions. Here are some of the companies that have chosen Lyon to develop cleantech:
- Boralex
- Deltalys
- Elkem Silicones
- I-Ten
- Inevo Technologies
- InovaYa
- Kem One
- Navya
- Solvay
Customised support, backed by genuine expertise in the local area
Our local sustainable innovation and growth ecosystems offer ideal conditions for development at every step of your project, whatever your needs:
- activate the emergence of new ideas,
- refine an industrial project,
- inject world-class R&D,
- industrialise intelligently,
- Launch operations quickly and efficiently.
Upstream in the sector, our research centres, technical centres and academic institutions support the emergence of your ideas:
- National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
- National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) Lyon
- École Centrale Lyon, school of engineering
- University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- École normale supérieure (ENS) Lyon, elite teacher-training school
- École nationale des travaux publics de l’État (ENTPE), State school of civil engineering
- Gustave Eiffel University
- French Institute of Petroleum and new energies (IFP)
- and more.
Innovation hubs and major clusters support you in your innovation, networking, business development and international development projects:
- Axelera, for the chemicals and environment sector
- Cara, for the transport and mobility systems sector
- Tenerrdis, for the energy transition and renewable energies sector
- Techtera, for the textiles and flexible materials sector
- Lumière Cluster, for the lighting and light design sector
- MAD Cluster, for active, sustainable transportation
Our innovation platforms and demonstrators facilitate technology transfers and the launch of your products and services:
- Axel’One, for innovative materials and processes
- Transpolis, for connected, driverless, mobility of the future
- Piseo, for lighting technologies
- Provademse, for environmental technologies (circular economy, environment, energy)
- SuperGrid Institute, for energy efficiency and massive integration of renewable energies in utility grids.
Highlights for ecotechnology professionals
The Lyon metropolitan area hosts major cleantech industry events. These highlights, including meetings, talks, workshops, conferences and demonstrations, fast-track your business opportunities and transformation projects!
- Global Industrie, the international industrial exhibition
- Pollutec, the international environmental and energy equipment, technologies and services exhibition
- Solutrans, the world industrial and urban vehicle trade show
- BePositive, the exhibition showcasing the energy transition in construction and local territories
Flagship sites for companies in the cleantech sector
The Lyon metropolitan area offers 4 major sites that contribute to the dynamics of cleantech innovation. Each of them mobilises skills and resources to assist you in setting up and developing your business.
Lyon Confluence
This district hosts numerous experiments of innovative services, calling on new technologies and community involvement. Lyon Confluence won the European “Smart Cities and Communities” call for projects which aims to develop solutions integrating energy, transport and information and communication technologies through emblematic projects.
Location: 2nd district of Lyon
Lyon Chemical Valley
A major industrial platform and economic powerhouse, with an integrated approach to the development of chemicals, materials and energy solutions.
Municipalities: Feyzin, Irigny, Pierre-Bénite, Saint-Fons et Solaize.
Lyon Parilly Factories
This project to boost the local industrial sector includes the Usin site, promoting manufacturing, co-production and bringing to life the industry of the future.
Municipalities: Lyon 8th, Saint-Priest, Vénissieux.
LyonTech-la Doua campus
With its 25,000 students and 2000 researchers, this campus is fast becoming a world reference in the cleantech field and actively participates in building the future!
Location: Villeurbanne.
At your service
Our team – which includes professionals from the chemical industry, materials, mobility and energy transition sectors - will assist you in your project to set up or grow locally.
Your dedicated specialists
head of the transition sectors department, consultant for mobility, energy, chemicals/environment sectors
Lyon Métropole
head of the transition sectors department, consultant for mobility, energy, chemicals/environment sectors
Lyon Métropole
Lead Advisor - Energy
Lead Advisor - Energy
Project Manager, Sustainable Construction
Lyon Métropole
Policy Officer for Marketing
Lyon Métropole
Policy Officer for Marketing
Lyon Métropole
Investment Advisor - industry, chemistry, environment
Investment Advisor - industry, chemistry, environment
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