The ONLYLYON Business website presents all of the solutions, services and specialists here to help you start, set up and grow your business in the Lyon region.

In Lyon, it’s together that we’re building our city and leading our projects. The ONLYLYON Business platform is the shared business portal of the Lyon region, made available as part of the ONLYLYON partnership program by Lyon Metropole, Aderly (The Lyon-Area Economic Development Agency) and the Lyon Metropole Saint-Étienne Roanne Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).

ONLYLYON Business: official players by your side


Aderly is one of the first economic development agencies to be created in France. Since 1974, under the guidance and co-presidency of Métropole de Lyon and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon Métropole Saint-Étienne Roanne, the Agency has been supporting companies in their development and investment projects in the Lyon region. Aderly particularly serves to assist companies with a positive economic, social and environmental impact, to contribute to the region’s sustainable, balanced development.


Métropole de Lyon

Métropole de Lyon is a local authority covering 58 municipalities with a total of 1.4 million residents. With 9,500 employees and a 2021-2026 budget of €3.97 billion, its vast scope of action ranges from solidarity and local development to education and the arts. In addition, it is responsible for economic development, employment and occupational integration. As Lyon has become a major European metropolitan area, it now wishes to meet various aims:

  • Speed up the economic transformation to models incorporating the ecological transition and social justice,
  • Fight against territorial inequalities and encourage cooperation between local areas,
  • Meet the needs of inhabitants (quality of life, social diversity, etc.),
  • Develop and implement a sustainable, consensus-based method for economic transformation.


ONLYLYON: much more than a brand, a programme

Video of the "Ensemble!" (Together!) collection by #ONLYLYON


More than just a brand, ONLYLYON is also the official collective program responsible for promoting the Lyon metropolitan area and its players. The first place-branding program set up in France, this pioneering joint initiative today brings together some thirty public and private partners, as well as over 27,000 Lyon ambassadors in Lyon and around the world.


Our teams

Specialists at your service to advise and help you.

Directory of specialists

Our partners

Together, to welcome you to Lyon and help you grow here.

Governance and partnerships