The metropolitan area of Lyon is a lively place. On the move and close to you, day after day, we keep you up to date about important news. News, publications, events in France and abroad: stay connected so you won’t miss anything!


The major economic news of Lyon and its region

What you need to know about the local area’s economy.

All of our news

Calendar of our specialists

Our business events in France and abroad

Events in France and abroad, where you can meet our staff and do some networking.

All of our events

Media library

Our useful documents to facilitate your project

Practical guides, brochures, reports, key figures, and more.

All of our documents

‘The Only’ magazine

The Only: the magazine of the business makers of Lyon and its region

Profiles and interviews of the people who are making the economic news of Lyon and its region, special reports and key figures.

All of the issues


Our press rooms

Contacts, press releases and kits

ONLYLYON media centre

ONLYLYON Tourism media centre

Métropole de Lyon media centre