With aid and financing programmes, toolboxes, resources and networking, we help you transform your company and make a successful ecological and social transition. Let’s build the economy of the future, together: an economy that’s low-carbon, responsible, resource-efficient and respectful of the environment, and that will create sustainable, local jobs that can’t be relocated.

Leverage our expertise to transform your company and the local economy

We help local companies transition towards a more responsible and sustainable business model.

Leading the sectors

Thanks to the close connections we have with our partners, such as competitiveness clusters, federations and other socioeconomic stakeholders, we facilitate the transformation of companies and the realisation of projects that will affect the local area’s structure and have positive impacts on its strategic sectors, whether they’re historic or emerging.

For each one, our Sector Experts lead groups that represent you and/or assist you directly.

To accelerate your projects in areas of common interest (in connection with our public policies) and get to know the local offerings, the communities and our Sector Expert:

See the page dedicated to your business sector, trade or issue

Leading the local areas

With our partners and the local players involved in transition processes, we guide the transformation of our local areas and facilitate responsible local economic projects.

For each local area, our local specialists guide and support you.

To get to know the local areas and offerings, communities, projects and your local contact person:

See the page dedicated to your local area

Leading the strategic companies of the local area

Our Key Accounts Expert for the Lyon metropolitan area leads the community of local strategic companies and

Your dedicated specialist

Our financing opportunities

Greater Lyon has lots of solutions to help you take an important step in transforming your company or making your ecological transition: see our toolbox for guidance.

Focus on one of the financing mechanisms.

Financing your new industrial projects (private equity)

Need significant financing to develop new industrial projects?

We invest private equity capital to finance your new industrial projects, thanks to our Industrial Seed Fund with a focus on environmental and social impacts.

Our fund enables your company to navigate the industrial scale-up process with a strong, strategic local partnership and to stand with us and face the challenges of the industrial transformation of our local area.

Your dedicated specialist

Financing ecological initiatives

Need to finance your ecological initiatives?

With our “Ecological Transition for Companies” call for projects, we offer financial support for the deployment of your individual or collective initiatives, and assistance to make your ecological transition more accessible.

Your dedicated specialist

Our toolbox, resources and theme networks facilitate the transformation of your company and of the local area

Our Business Transformation and Ecological Transition Experts have created many tools and resources to facilitate your project and enable you to join us in these efforts. We also share our networks with you and guide you towards the structures that will assist you with your process, directly.

A Practical Guide for Companies

Want to get your industrial company involved in the ecological transition?

We publish a very practical guide for VSEs and SMEs that want to get involved in the ecological transition. The guide identifies all of the solutions that will support and guide your company: clear, locally available measures, streamlined procedures and qualified contacts.

A real toolbox, this guide is updated regularly!

Measuring impacts on the local area: the Kelimpact platform

Assess the impact of your company on the local area and identify areas for improvement!

We provide you with a local-area impact measurement web-based platform to initiate or continue the process of improving your impacts on the local area of Métropole de Lyon.

This tool is structured around 4 impact areas: “Inclusion and Social Justice”, “Economic Sustainability”, “Environmental Viability” and “Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace” and 2 levers: “Governance and Cooperation” and “Impact Activities”.

Thanks to this solution, you’ll be able to:

  • measure your performance in each impact area and lever
  • identify areas for improvement
  • rapidly identify concrete, personalised solutions
  • monitor your progress over time.

This online platform is free and suitable for companies of every size. Your data and the results obtained are not shared with third parties.

Don’t wait! Go to kelimpact.grandlyon.com to measure your impact!

Kelimpact, measuring local impacts in the Lyon metropolitan area

Your dedicated specialist

Mobility at work

Want to take action and find out more about sustainable mobility at work?

Our “Mobility at Work” website keeps you informed and helps you take measures and steps to achieve cleaner and more community-oriented mobility.

In particular, this resource platform presents: the local area’s range of transport options, such as active modes, public transport, car sharing and carpooling, working from home, alternative forms of motorised mobility, parking and delivery, etc.); the many programmes available to assist you with your mobility needs, whether you’re an employee or an employer; and the steps you can take to develop an employer mobility plan.

You’ll also find tools to take action: practical information sheets, including employer mobility plans and joint employer mobility plans, lines of action and potential measures that can be implemented; a directory of mobility stakeholders who can assist you; solutions for access to the various economic areas (business parks, industrial districts, etc.) and a route planner.

Our Mobility at Work website

Your dedicated specialist

Climate, Air & Energy

Want to find out more about the climate plan and energy, and get involved to improve the local area’s carbon footprint?

Your dedicated specialist

Social and inclusive entrepreneurship

Want to be a responsible entrepreneur in—and for—our local areas?

We facilitate your responsible entrepreneurship projects, by fostering social innovation and the social and inclusive economy in Greater Lyon. We support companies that put the principles of solidarity and social utility at the centre of their business models and the structures that guide them.

Discover the local ecosystem and the structures that can guide you

Circular economy

Want to take action to reduce your material footprint and that of our local area?

All companies can take action to reduce their environmental footprint and that of our local area, which represented 19 tons per inhabitant per year in 2018, whereas the sustainability threshold is considered to be between 3 and 6 tons per inhabitant per year in 2050.

How? By working on your core business to offer eco-designed products and services and by developing responsible purchasing policies.

In the Lyon metropolitan area, we are providing assistance more specifically to:

  • companies in the sectors of food, construction and textiles;
  • companies in the industrial sector;
  • shops, through our partners: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of Trades and Crafts and associations for the management of the city centre;
  • companies that are using this new model to start up, with:
    • a specific support programme, Les Boucles,
    • assistance with processes such as submitting calls for proposals, searching for temporary or permanent premises, finding raw materials, etc.).

Les Boucles

Your dedicated specialists


Purchasing is a major lever for action that drives the social and ecological transition of the economy in our local area and in neighbouring areas. This is why we support the networks, initiatives, systems and encounters that contribute to the development and competitiveness of the local economic fabric of the Lyon metropolitan area.

Lyon Pacte PME

Lyon Pacte PME brings together key accounts and the companies of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region on the theme of purchasing.

This service is free for the economic stakeholders of the Lyon metropolitan area.

Receive updates about Lyon Pacte PME on lyonpactepme.fr.

Lyon Pacte PME

Innovative and responsible procurement by Métropole de Lyon

“Buying better, together”

With a budget of €600 million per year, the public purchasing power of Métropole de Lyon represents ample economic opportunities for the companies of our local area.

In collaboration with the people of Greater Lyon and the economic stakeholders of the local area, we are building a Model for Responsible Procurement (SPAR) to improve the public procurement policies of Métropole de Lyon and its 58 towns.

Interested in this programme? To find out more and participate, go to www.grandlyon.com.

Model for Responsible Procurement (SPAR)

“Motivational Mornings” of Métropole de Lyon

For its own purchases, Métropole de Lyon is keenly interested in the solutions, products and services offered by the economic stakeholders of the local area.

On a regular basis, we organise “Motivational Mornings” on various themes in order to meet with the local players who are capable of delivering innovative solutions.

Your dedicated specialist

Digital technologies

We guide the digital transformation of companies operating in the Lyon metropolitan area in collaboration with our partner: l’ENE.

ENE helps you with the digital transformation of your company

We also rely on a network of specialised structures to develop and encourage responsible practices in the digital sector. Discover the structures that are supporting the sector's stakeholders and assisting the companies of the Lyon region with their digital transformations.

The structures that can help your digital company

Sustainable development

Our Greater Lyon sustainable development website showcases initiatives by the stakeholders of the Lyon metropolitan area for development that combines economic efficiency, environmental protection and social equity.

Find all the news about sustainable development in the local area, the players who are committed to the cause, the collective actions and processes, useful documents and featured articles!

Greater Lyon sustainable development website

Focus on the articles “Working and Entrepreneurship” of the Greater Lyon sustainable development website