A well-balanced territory with complementary peri-urban and rural areas and varied landscapes, the greater Bourg-en-Bresse area covers 1,300 km², making it the largest intercommunal area in the Ain department. Awarded the “Territoire d'Industrie Phase 2” label (2023-2027), the area boasts a remarkable economic vitality, characterized by varied know-how and sectors of excellence.

Key figures

  • 74 municipalities
  • 137,000 inhabitants (36% under 29), with +12% population growth over the past 12 years
  • 9,000 companies for 57,903 jobs (2020 figures)
  • 4,200 students enrolled in 83 courses at some 20 higher education establishments
  • 5th best place to live in France (“Les Echos” ranking)


  • Just one hour from the major cities of Lyon and Geneva, the Communauté d'Agglomération du bassin de Bourg-en-Bresse is ideally located at the crossroads of the North/Mediterranean and Central Europe/Atlantic axes.
  • Grand Bourg Agglomération has entrusted Keolis with the operation of its Rubis transport network: 7 bus lines, 3 suburban coach lines, transport on demand service, carpool lines, shuttles to the SNCF train station...
  • Bourg-en-Bresse SNCF train station, with daily TGV connections to Paris
  • A39 and A40 freeways



The Communauté d'Agglomération du bassin de Bourg-en-Bresse manages 34 business parks and zones covering a total area of 682 hectares. Services, industry, construction and public works... local companies operate in a wide range of sectors, enabling them to develop, relocate or start up in optimal conditions.

  • Cenord business park in Bourg-en-Bresse: over 2,500 jobs. The park is home to the steel industry (Ugitech), wholesale trade, food processing...
  • Porte Sud business park in Péronnas: over 1,000 jobs. The park is home to industrial mechanics (Alsymex), services (La Professionnelle du Nettoyage), construction and public works, and retail.
  • Cadran Bourg Sud business park: over 900 jobs. The park is home to courier services (Dupont Bedu, DPD), building supplies (Mabeo), healthcare production (Int'Air Médical) and engineering and software companies.
  • Attignat Bourg Nord business park: nearly 700 jobs. The park is home to logistics and refrigerated transport and warehousing (TGC, Mutual, Logistics), plastics processing (CMSI) and mechanical engineering.
  • La Teppe Ceyzériat business park: nearly 300 jobs. The zone is home to food processing (Biscuiterie Bouvard), plastics processing (Hyléance / Rovip) and construction and public works.


  • Mecabourg: an association of companies in the Ain region's mechanical engineering, metallurgy and industrial bodywork sectors. Created in 2002 by 13 industrialists, the group includes over 60 companies and 4,000 employees in several complementary business families: engineering, design, industrial electricity, automation, surface treatment, industrial bodywork, wires and cables.
  • UIMM de l'Ain: The Union des Industries et des Métiers de la Métallurgie de l'Ain was founded in 1936 by industrialists for industrialists. It develops a wide range of services for industries to support their development. Alimentec: since 1992, the
  • Alimentec technology park has been providing solutions to the agri-food industry (from food to packaging) through research, training and services. Equipped with an agri-food testing center, it enables manufacturers and very small businesses alike to carry out pre-production runs and test new products or packaging.
  • Polymeris: the only competitive cluster dedicated to rubber, plastics and composites, with 380 members, Polymeris draws on 15 years of expertise and experience in supporting companies, with in-depth knowledge of tomorrow's techniques and markets.
  • Polyvia: union des transformateurs de polymères, Polyvia brings together 17 structures to serve a French industry comprising over 3,500 companies, the majority of them SMEs, and 122,000 employees.


  • Renault Trucks
  • Nexans
  • Arcelor Mittal
  • Biscuits Bouvard 
  • Bressor
  • Isla Délice
  • Int'Air Médical
  • Hyléance
  • Rovipharm
  • CMSI
  • U-Log
  • Mabeo…


  • Attignat
  • Beaupont
  • Bohas-Meyriat-Rignat
  • Bourg-en-Bresse
  • Bresse Vallons
  • Buellas
  • Bény
  • Béréziat
  • Certines
  • Ceyzériat
  • Cize
  • Coligny
  • Confrançon
  • Cormoz
  • Corveissiat
  • Courmangoux
  • Courtes
  • Curciat-Dongalon
  • Curtafond
  • Dompierre-sur-Veyle
  • Domsure
  • Drom
  • Druillat
  • Foissiat
  • Grand-Corent
  • Hautecourt-Romanèche
  • Jasseron
  • Jayat
  • Journans
  • La Tranclière
  • Lent
  • Lescheroux
  • Malafretaz
  • Mantenay-Montlin
  • Marboz
  • Marsonnas
  • Meillonnas
  • Montagnat
  • Montcet
  • Montracol
  • Montrevel-en-Bresse
  • Nivigne et Suran
  • Pirajoux
  • Polliat
  • Pouillat
  • Péronnas
  • Ramasse
  • Revonnas
  • Saint-André-sur-Vieux-Jonc
  • Saint-Denis-lès-Bourg
  • Saint-Didier-d'Aussiat
  • Saint-Jean-sur-Reyssouze
  • Saint-Julien-sur-Reyssouze
  • Saint-Just
  • Saint-Martin-du-Mont
  • Saint-Martin-le-Châtel
  • Saint-Nizier-le-Bouchoux
  • Saint-Rémy
  • Saint-Sulpice
  • Saint-Trivier-de-Courtes
  • Saint-Étienne-du-Bois
  • Salavre
  • Servas
  • Servignat
  • Simandre-sur-Suran
  • Tossiat
  • Val-Revermont
  • Vandeins
  • Verjon
  • Vernoux
  • Vescours
  • Villemotier
  • Villereversure
  • Viriat


Video from our partner territory, Grand Bourg Agglomération (GBA)

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