Getting ready to set up business in the Lyon area? Need to find out what the start-up regulations are in France, or in Europe? Our team can point you towards the structures and specialists who’ll give you the advice you’ll need.

Getting to know you better, to help you more

Our teams will be by your side, helping you through the administrative process.  First, we’ll meet with you to find out more about your company. This first conversation, in person or on the phone, marks the beginning of the tailored support we provide to help you start up or expand your business in the Lyon area, according to the legal form under consideration.

Meet with qualified specialists to start your new entity

Based on the information provided, we’ll set up appointments for you to meet with specialists who can inform and assist you, such as:

  • Legal advisors ;
  • Tax specialists ;
  • Accountants.

For the financing of your project, we’ll also connect you with banks that’ll understand the issues inherent to your plans to set up in the area (business sector, nationality of the parent company, etc.).

Want to know more about your legal obligations and get advice before taking the first step?

If you plan to start up a business and you want to find out what steps to take and what aid is out there, our teams will fill you in on the relevant regulations and taxes, and on how to finance your project.

Soofût, which was set up in 2022, benefoted from a nine-month support package through the Ronalpia and Aderly "2022 Installation Programme", which included expert help in administrative procedures. 

News, Soofût, set up in 2022

Cellenion benefited from the support of the Economic Development Agency for the Lyon Region (Aderly) in taxation and legal issues surrounding its creation

Success Stories, Cellenion

Your dedicated specialist