14 Mar 17 Mar 2023

ONLYLYON stand - R7.E4 (Hall Riviera 7)
Palais des Festivals
06400 Cannes

  • Growing existing companies
  • Business setup
  • Company transformations and transitions
  • Building

Come to Mipim, in Cannes, from 14 to 17 March 2023 and meet real estate specialists from Lyon Métropole and Aderly. Discover opportunities in the Lyon region at our ONLYLYON stand!

Meet Lyon Métropole and its partners at Mipim 2023, 14 to 17 March 2023, in Cannes. Visit our ONLYLYON stand, R7.E4, Riviera Building
Copyright : Métropole de Lyon

Mipim brings together the international real estate community each year in Cannes: investors, property companies, promoters, planners, builders, developers, architects, private users and enterprises, local authorities, etc.

The 2023 edition of this business event is an opportunity for us to present our new vision of local development, our offer of services to support your responsible projects and the possibilities for setting up business and real estate investment opportunities in the Lyon region.

Experts from Lyon Métropole, Aderly and our partners will be there to welcome you at our joint ONLYLYON stand. We will also be speaking at several conferences.

Our experts together at the same stand

Together, we will be there to welcome you at our ONLYLYON partnership stand at R7.E4 (Espace Riviera 7):

In particular, experts from Lyon Métropole and Aderly will present the Lyon region’s business development opportunities and our services to ensure the success of your responsible investment, establishment and development projects in our region.

Discover the Lyon metropolitan area and its secure real estate market, as well as the diversity of our urban projects to enhance residents’ quality of life and employees’ quality of work: a wealth of opportunities!

Visit us at the Palais des Festivals de Cannes, Espace Riviera 7, stand R7.E4.

Highlights at the ONLYLYON stand

Over the course of these 4 days, you can also attend a number of conferences organised at our stand.

Flagship themes addressed

  • A development model based on regeneration
  • The challenges of rebalancing for sustainable regional growth
  • Infrastructure as a driver for urban requalification
  • Lyon Métropole shapes its programmes to adapt and meet the needs of businesses and residents
  • Sustainable building on the themes of reuse and biosourcing.


Wednesday 15 March 2023

  • 11:30 a.m. - “Choose Europe: European metropolitan areas promoting investment with impact
    • Conference presented by Émeline Baume, vice president of Lyon Métropole in charge of the economy, employment, trade, digital technology and public procurement.
    • Accompanied by:
      • Bertrand Foucher, managing director of Aderly
      • Éric Menges, managing director of FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH
      • Erick Kruger, head of investment at Invest Stockholm.
  • 3:00 a.m. - “Lyon, the metropolitan area combining growth and ecological transition - Lyon Part-Dieu, the leading district in France in terms of urban regeneration”
    • How to be a sustainably welcoming and attractive region at a time of major ecological, urban and societal challenges? The new model in Lyon is defining and refining the city, as can be seen in the transformation of the Lyon Part-Dieu district.
    • Conference presented by:
      • Bruno Bernard, president of Lyon Métropole
      • Grégory Doucet, mayor of Lyon
      • Florent Sainte Fare Garnot, managing director of SPL Lyon Part-Dieu
      • Béatrice Lièvre-Thery, managing director of Sogeprom
      • Emmanuel Desmaizières, managing director of Icade Promotion
  • 6:30 a.m. - Meeting of the Urban France metropolitan areas
    • To discuss the following question: “Reindustrialisation / No Net Land Take (NNLT): what is the role of income-producing real estate and land in French metropolitan areas?” 

Thursday 16 March 2023

  • 11:00 a.m. - “New project areas for the urban and economic rebalancing of the Lyon metropolitan area”
    • Close to new, carbon-free mobility infrastructure, Lyon Métropole is intensifying the city alongside the municipalities and rebalancing its economic and urban development. Focus on a selection of emblematic projects.
    • Conference presented by: 
      • Bruno Bernard, president of Lyon Métropole
      • Béatrice Vessiller, vice president of Lyon Métropole in charge of urban planning and living conditions
      • Cédric Van Styvendael, mayor of Villeurbanne
      • Vincent Malfère, managing director of the SERL Group
      • Emmanuel Launiau, chairman of the Quartus Group
  • 2:30 p.m. - “How does Lyon Métropole co-develop economic and residential projects?”
    • With the help of real estate players, Lyon Métropole has launched a diverse range of economic and residential real estate projects for a more inclusive region. Initial assessment of the change in paradigm and focus on projects under way.
    • Conference presented by:
      • Émeline Baume, vice president of Lyon Métropole in charge of the economy, employment, trade, digital technology and public procurement
      • Renaud Payre, vice president of Lyon Métropole in charge of housing, social housing and the urban policy
      • Samuel Linzau, managing director of SPL Lyon Confluence
      • Pascal Martin, managing director of the Legendre Immobilier Group
      • Frédéric Marchal, regional delegate of the Nexity Group

Our other event at Mipim 2023

Thursday 16 March 2023

  • 11:15 a.m. - “Invest in France” conference, with Aderly
    • Venue: Verrière Californie – P5
    • France remains attractive for international investors, as shown by several companies that have successfully set up in the Aix-Marseille-Provence, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon and Paris metropolitan areas. A conference organised by the development agencies of these metropolitan areas, inviting five companies engaged in international investment to discuss the subject.
    • Being no. 1: France’s secret to FDI success”, chaired by Sarah Russis of fDi Magazine. With:
      • Élise Cola, development director at Kadans
      • Jean-David Habib, chairman of Maison.fr
      • Pauline Carpentier, Lille campus manager at Talent Garden
      • Kaori Oda, board member of the company Horiba, which represents Lyon Métropole
      • Applied Materials

Come and meet our experts

Looking for real estate opportunities and/or a strategic location for your business? Our experts in real estate and setting up in the Lyon region can help you:

  • Find tailored solutions for your responsible projects to invest or set up in the Lyon region;
  • Provide you with information about the economic climate and the outlook for markets in the Lyon region;
  • Detect future projects or business opportunities in the Lyon region;
  • Help you move forward with projects under way in our region.

Contact our experts to meet them at Mipim 2023!

  • From Lyon Métropole:
    • Raphaëlle Jolly (business development offer) and Fabien Lopez (transition and regeneration of industrial spaces) are your primary contacts.
    • Axel Riehl (director of economic action and transition), Sébastien Delestra (head of regional business development), Adeline Rambeau (head of the “business development strategy” team), Fanny Laperriere (director of urban project ownership), Cécile Féré (local public enterprises and planning), Quentin Bardinet (director of territorial development and international relations), Chrystèle Chef (head of the “marketing and promotion” team), Anne-Laure Mignard (marketing), Florence Reboul (events) and Gaëlle Desperrier (assistant) will also be present at the event.
  • From Aderly:
    • Bertrand Foucher (managing director of the agency) and Emmanuelle Sysoyev (strategic development of Aderly and of ONLYLYON) will be present to meet real estate players, as well as the directors of other economic development agencies, in order to share new strategies for attracting investment.
    • Sébastien Brasier (head of the “set up and territories” team) will be on site to detect projects to set up businesses in the region and to meet with partners and exhibitors.

Your dedicated specialists

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