David Perrussel-Morin - Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Lyon Métropole Saint-Étienne Roanne

David Perrussel-Morin VSE and SME Support Manager
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne

+33 670768695
+33 472405824
Send a mail to David Perrussel-Morin Go to Linkedin profile of David Perrussel-Morin
Palais du Commerce
21 rue de la République
69002 Lyon

David Perrussel-Morin VSE and SME Support Manager
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne

David is specialised in the development of VSEs and SMEs, and will provide you with personalised assistance with your issues involving sales, human resources, innovation, management and organisation. Whether you’re in industry, services or retail, David will determine precisely what your needs are and offer you dedicated assistance with high added value for your company.

For very small companies (less than 10 employees) that would like to connect for the first time: please do your self-assessment online, and then David will contact you.

Self-assessment for companies less than 10 employees (in French)

Languages: English, French