Marie-Laure Alonso - Aderly

Marie-Laure Alonso partnership manager

+33 626496789
+33 472405623
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Palais du Commerce
place de la Bourse
69002 Lyon

Marie-Laure Alonso partnership manager

Marie-Laure Alonso has a degree in European economics and spent four years supporting businesses at Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where she gained her expertise in entrepreneurial issues.

With her international background and five languages, she naturally found her calling at ONLYLYON Invest for the Lyon region 13 years ago.

In charge of prospecting and locating clean technology projects, then in charge of Europe and Latin America, she is now lead advisor for the industry sector, supporting over 40 installations by foreign companies, totalling approximately €7 million investment across her region.

A curious and dedicated person, she responds to the many structural and technological changes, and to the complexities faced by entrepreneurs, business leaders and industrial projects. She is certain that the close relationship between industry players and their ecosystems is a driver for our regions' economic development and resilience.

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese