Julie Berliet
Lead Advisor - Digital and SSE
place de la Bourse
69002 Lyon
Julie Berliet
Lead Advisor - Digital and SSE
Julie Berliet is a location advisor specialising in the responsible digital technology sector and the social and solidarity economy.
Her skills in promotion, project management and networking benefit companies looking to develop in the Lyon region.
Julie has helped over 100 organisations set up in the Lyon region since 2006: startups, associations, cooperatives, SMEs, mid-market companies, and large national or international groups
Initially Asia advisor, particularly on Japan, Julie then specialised in the digital entertainment sector before focusing on the digital technology industry more generally.
In 2020, Julie focused her expertise on the Responsible Digital Technology sector and then on the Social and Solidarity Economy, motivated by her conviction that they are of prime necessity for a region's sustainable economic development.
place de la Bourse
69002 Lyon