285 search results
The ONLYLYON Business website, business.onlylyon.com/en , is the joint business portal for the Lyon region offered as part of the ONLYLYON partnership…
Information on administrative formalities, accommodation, finding employment, schooling and the local quality of life: if you plan to set up your…
Across the entire Lyon metropolitan area, the members of our teams support you in the process of growing your company and developing your projects.…
Whatever your plans for setting up in the Lyon area , our team is here to advise and assist you , every step of the way. From finding finance or…
Contacts at your service to advise and assist you. Our teams are mobilized to help make your business project in the Lyon area a success. Have a…
Trade fairs, conventions, conferences, meetings, webinars: our specialists share their calendars . Opportunities to meet them and discuss your plans,…
Companies setting up for business, investment, innovation, calls for proposals and other opportunities: here you’ll find all of the economic news in…